Echometer Company
Model – H Manual
Phone: (940) 767-4334
5001 Ditto Lane
Page 73
Fax: (940) 723-7507
Wichita Falls, Texas 76302, U.S.A.
Step 3 – Allow the instrument to sit on charge for a period of not less than 5 hours.
This gives the battery cells ample time to trickle charge up to a point of normal operation.
Step 4 – With the charger still plugged into the instrument, press the Power button on the
After the initial boot up, continue to the Main Menu and perform the following navigation to the
Set-Up screen to see a visual display of the battery charge.
Main Menu → Set Up → Set Up Page 2
Above the visual battery charge display is a bar labeled “Battery Amps”. If the battery is taking a
charge, the colored bar will turn from a red bar to a green bar. This color scheme is opposite to
the light indicator on the charger.
Step 5 – With the charger still plugged into the instrument, depress the pin hole reset
button for three seconds.
When the paper clip is removed, the indicator light on the charger should turn from green to red
and should remain red as the battery continues its normal charging sequence.