Echometer Company
Model – H Manual
Phone: (940) 767-4334
5001 Ditto Lane
Page 29
Fax: (940) 723-7507
Wichita Falls, Texas 76302, U.S.A.
The following screen displays
Page 2
of the Set Up screen
: Selection of the system of units to display values of distance;
The Model H can operate with Depth Units of Feet or Meters. The Units specified in the SetUp configuration are
used automatically for display of newly acquired shot data and analysis results. For Recall access the current
SetUp units are compared to the depth units used when the shot was last saved, and if they are different the
operator is asked to select the desired Depth Units for Recall viewing and processing.
(F)ixed or (N)oise-based Threshold:
A Fixed Threshold (F) allows the operator to enter a recorder threshold value that the instrument will use to
detect when a shot is fired. Setting the threshold too high or too low may inhibit the Model H from “hearing” the
shot fired, or may increase the sensitivity to a level that would not allow it to discern a fired shot from low level
noise in the well.
A Noise-based Threshold (N) will automatically adjust the instrument sensitivity to respond to a noise introduced
to the well that is approximately four times the stabilized noise level. The instrument would automatically respond
to the shot fired as long as the noise level from the shot introduction is within this range.
The instrument is defaulted to use the Noise-based threshold.
Recorder Threshold (mv):
When using the Fixed Threshold for shot detection, the recorder threshold is entered by the operator. The
default fixed-based threshold is 100mV. Setting the threshold too high or too low may inhibit the Model H from
“hearing” the shot fired, or may increase the sensitivity to a level that would not allow it to discern a fired shot
from low level noise in the well.