2 If installers have been trained to use one style of wiring for all installations, free
topology technology can be introduced without requiring retraining.
3. Retrofit installations with existing wiring plants can be accommodated with
minimal rewiring, if any. This capability ensures that FT 3120 and FT 3150
Smart Transceiver technology can be adapted to both old and new projects.
4. Free topology permits FT 3120 and FT 3150 Smart Transceiver systems to be
expanded in the future by simply tapping into the existing wiring where it is
most convenient to do so. This reduces the time and expense of system
expansion, and from the customer's perspective, keeps down the life cycle cost of
the free topology network. See Chapter 5,
Network Cabling and Performance
, for
a presentation of the five different network topologies.
System expansion is simplified in another important way, too. Each link power
transciever incorporates a repeater function. If a link power system grows beyond
the maximum number of transceivers or total wire distance, then additional link
power systems can be added by interconnecting transceivers using the repeater
function. The repeaters will transfer LonTalk® packets between the two systems,
doubling the number of transceivers as well as the length of wire over which they
communicate. The repeater function permits a link power system to grow as system
needs expand, without retrofitting existing controllers or requiring the use of
specialized bridges. Note that systems requiring high levels of network traffic may
benefit from the use of L
routers which forward packets only when
necessary. See Appendix A for more details.
This user guide is for developers of Link Power Transceiver-based L
devices and systems.
This manual provides detailed technical specifications on the electrical and
mechanical interfaces and operating environment characteristics for the LPT-11
transceiver module.
This document also provides guidelines for migrating applications from a
LonBuilder® Developer’s Workbench Emulator or NodeBuilder® Developer's Tool to
a transceiver module-based product design. Vendor sources are included to simplify
the task of integrating the transceiver module with application electronics.
LPT-11 Transceiver User’s Guide