Make your table movement for Y again double checking yourself by pulling the bit close
to the ball making sure you’re going to cut where you want.
When you’re sure you have moved the right direction turn the machine on and slowly
pull the bit into the hole. It’s important to remember to go slow as you advance the
bit. There is no cutting on the point of the bit so going faster than the blade will cut
will result in bit drift. Don’t rush this process
If this is only cut you need to make then follow the procedure for removing the top of
the slug and remove the ball.
It may be helpful to have the customer actually there and slide there thumb in the ball
if this is the first oval you have sized for them. Simply remove the bit from the chuck
and leave the ball in the machine. If you need to cut more put the bit back in, make
your x and y movements and make your next cut.
Remember to keep track of the movements for each cut on your drill sheet for future
drillings. Also we have included a chart that will break down the movements for any
angle you may need. This can be a very helpful tool as well. Fitting and drilling ovals
ma take some practice so work on your equipment some first to raise your comfort
REV A 12-2-05 17