27-11-2014 60 ebode IPV4NVR
You can configure the privacy zone settings for the camera.
Step3: Check the Enable Privacy checkbox and it pop up a window. If the IPC device
type is MJ or IPC protocol type is ONVIF, the feature is invalid.
Step4: You can use the mouse to click and drag the text frame on the live view window
to adjust the OSD position.
Step5: Click Save button to finish the mask area setting. The mask area will be marked
with black.
Pan & Tilt Speed
If the IP Camera has the PTZ function, you can configure the pan and tilt speed of the IP
Step1: Choose ”
(Parameter Configuration) > Service Configuration > Pan & Tilt
Speed”. The Pan & Tilt Speed page is displayed.
Step2: Select channel from drop-down box list.
Step3: Select Pan & Tilt Speed from drop-down box list.
There are five PT speed types: very fast, fast, normal, slow and very slow.
Step4: Click Save button to take effect.
Cruise Settings
If the IP Camera has the PTZ function, you can manage the cruise of the IP camera.
Choose ”
(Parameter Configuration) > Service Configuration > Cruise Settings”. The
Cruise Settings page is displayed.
There are two default cruise tracks: Vertical and Horizontal.
Vertical: The IP Camera will rotate from up to down
Horizontal: The IP Camera will rotate form left to right.