Product Manual Oria Thermostat
EAE KNX Oria Thermostat
Oria Thermostat PM R1.0
EAE Technology
/ 50
Rockers can be configured with switching and dimming capability. When configured as “Switch and Dim” rocker
buttons will have two modes switch mode and dim mode. When rocker button pressed shorter than time
period specified in “Long Press Duration” parameter, rocker button will act as a switch. In switch mode rocker
buttons will behave as normal switches as explained in Chapter 4.1.1. When rocker buttons pressed longer
than “Long Press Duration” rocker will enter “Dim mode”. Dimming capability can be used in two different
types “Start Stop” and “Step Wise”. Which type to use can be configured in “Dimming Type” parameter.
Dimming - Start Stop Type
When rocker button pressed (and not released) and pressed duration exceeds “Long Press Duration” time
“Increase, %100”(When on button pressed) or “Decrease,%100”(When off button pressed) dimming level will
be send using respective communication object. When button is released “Increase, Break” or “Decrease,
Break” value will be sent to stop dimming operation.
Dimming - Step Wise Type
When rocker button pressed (and not released) and pressed duration exceeds “Long Press Duration” time, a
step value level configured in “Step Value” parameter will be send using respective communication object.
Until button is released same step value will be send periodically with a time interval defined in “Step Send
Mode of Buttons
Left Button Brighter(On) Right Button
/ Left Button Brighter(Off) Right Button
Select which rocker button is on
button and which rocker button is off
Long Press Duration 300ms/ 400ms/ 500ms/ 600ms/ 800ms /
1.2s / 1.5s/ 2s / 3s / 4s / 5s / 6s / 7s / 8s / 9s /
Time interval to switch from “switch
mode” to “dimming mode”.
Dimming Type
Start Stop
/ Step Wise
Select dimming type. (Chapter
Step Value
%100 / %50 / %25 /
/ %6.25 / %3.13 /
% 1.56
Visible when dimming type is Step
Wise. Selects the dimming resolution
that will be sending at every “Step
Send Interval”.
Step Send Interval
300ms/ 400ms/ 500ms/ 600ms/ 800ms /
1.2s / 1.5s/ 2s / 3s / 4s / 5s / 6s / 7s / 8s / 9s /
Visible when dimming type is Step
Wise. Selects the time interval to
send dimming increase/decrease
Function of LED
LED Permanently Off
LED always off
LED Permanently On
LED always on
Status Indication
Status LED of last pressed rocker
button is on, other rocker button is
off. If “Separate Comm Object”
parameter selected as “Enable”
status LEDs will wait for confirmation
from communication object before
changing state.