Plane Status
On-board LED Indication and required
Surface Movement
Receiver calibration
Flash red slowly
Elevons are centered.
Plane ready to bind
red and green LEDs fl ash rapidly
Elevons are centered.
Loss of control signal
Flash red rapidly
See troubleshooting guide for RF loss
AUX 1 on controller is reversed
Flash green rapidly
Elevons go to full up position
Compass/GPS initialization failed/ GPS
not connected
Red and green LEDs turn solid for two
Elevons alternate moving four times
Search for GPS lock
Red and green LEDs fl ash rapidly
Elevons move slowly up and down together
Virtual Fence indication (GPS is locked,
Home location is not set)
Green LED fl ash slowly. Red LED fl ash 0-3
0 time-Virtual Fence Off
1 time-Circle Virtual Fence, small
2 times-Circle Virtual Fence, large
3 times-Airfi eld Virtual Fence
Elevons move rapidly four times
Virtual Fence Modes can be changed
after GPS is locked and before Home
location is set
Refer to virtual fence mode section in this
manual for stick positions
Setting is done: Elevons move in
opposite directions four times
Compass calibration (If calibration has never
been done, the aircraft will enter compass
calibration mode after GPS is locked)
Red and green LED fl ash slowly alternatively
Enter calibration (see Compass Calibration)
Elevons cycle up and down in
opposite directions
Home location is set in virtual fence off
or circle virtual fence modes
Press and hold the bind button for 3 seconds
to set home location and wind direction.
Elevons cycle up and down in
opposite directions four times.
Home location is set in airfi eld virtual
fence mode (before airfi eld is set)
Press and hold the bind button for 3 seconds
to set home location and runway orientation.
Both surfaces take turns to move to
same direction four times.
Airfi eld area is set for airfi eld virtual
fence mode:
Toggle aileron stick left/right to set airfi eld
Corresponding elevon moves rapidly
four times.
Beginner Flight Mode
(switch position: 0)
Green LED stays solid
Intermediate Flight Mode
(switch position: 1)
Green and red LEDs stay solid
Experienced Flight Mode
(switch position: 2)
Red LED stays solid
Plane automatically turns around and
fl ies back to the home location after it ap-
proaches the edge of the virtual fence.
Green LED fl ashes slowly
Holding Pattern Mode
Enter: Press HP/AL trigger
Abort: Press HP/AL trigger
Green LED fl ashes slowly
AutoLand Mode
Enter: Press and hold HP/AL trigger for three
Abort/Exit: Press HP/AL trigger
Green LED fl ashes slowly
GPS is turned off manually after initial-
ization is done.
Disable GPS: Press and hold the bind button
and toggle the fl ight mode switch 3 times
Green and red LEDs fl ash slowly
Aircraft pitches up and down and
then wags its wings
Low Voltage Cutoff
Motor pulse
GPS is installed backwards
Green and red LEDs fl ash slowly
Motor pulse 5 seconds after takeoff.
GPS is lost during fl ight
Green and red LEDs fl ash slowly
Aircraft pitches up and down and
then wags its wings
LED Indications