No. 60025, Issue 5. January 1999
3 Features
Normally used for controlling wheelchair speed and
direction. Can also be used for actuator control
when any of the 5 actuators have been selected.
On/off switch /
Toggles the entire DX control system between the
On and Off modes.
System Status LED
The System Status LED indicates the On/Off status
of the system. It also flashes to indicate system
faults. (Refer to Diagnostics section 9 for Fault
Codes details.)
Remote Status LED
The Remote Status LED indicates the status of the
Dolphin as an individual DX Module. If it is
flashing, there is a fault within the Dolphin.
Battery gauge
Battery charge level is indicated by a set of ten
LEDs. These are arranged in an arc from left to right
as three red, four orange, and three green.
Actuator select
A separate switch for each set of seat raise/lower,
switches (x5)
seat tilt, back tilt, left leg rest and right leg rest, each
with its own LED indicator. Once selected, actuator
operation is activated using the joystick.
Drive Program
A switch is used to cycle through and select one of
select switch
the five Drive Programs.
Drive Program
A seven segment display for showing the currently
selected Drive program.
Lighting controls
Separate push switches for the control of lights,
indicators, and hazard, each with its own LED.
Horn switch
Activates horn while pressed if system power is on.
Magnetic key lock
Magnetic key may be used to "lock" the DX System
to prevent unauthorised use (see later details).