No. 60025, Issue 5. January 1999
8 Programming
Damping Point *
Range :
10 - 100%
Default :
OEM Access: Read / Write
Dealer Access: Read / Write
The damping point defines the speed error size (of output speed verses
joystick demand speed) using progressive error reduction (ie acceleration
/ deceleration). Speed errors exceeding this value will be limited to the
programme maximum linear acceleration or deceleration rate. In other
words it sets the 'compromise' ratio between joystick directness /
responsiveness and chair controllability. Note: for most applications the
default value of 40% should not require adjusting. Achieving the desired
response is done by setting the appropriate acceleration / deceleration
Warning :
An unsuitably high or low value can make the wheelchair
Joystick Source *
State :
Local / Remote
Default :
OEM Access: Read / Write
Dealer Access: Read / Write
Selects whether the Drive Program will use the Dolphin's built in joystick
or an external RJM based input control device.
Reverse J/S - Fwd/Rev
State :
Normal / Reverse
Default :
OEM Access: Read / Write
Dealer Access: Read only
Reverses the direction of the Dolphin’s inbuilt joystick, This can be set
for each profile.
If set to ‘Normal’, forward and reverse joystick deflection causes forward
and reverse motion respectively.
If set to ‘Reverse’, forward and reverse joystick deflection causes the
opposite effect. Used if the Dolphin was to be mounted in any other than
standard orientation in order to maintain joystick sense.