No. 60025, Issue 5. January 1999
9 Diagnostics and Fault Finding
Chair Log
The Chair Log displays all faults and warning conditions recorded for the
wheelchair since the Chair Log was last erased. Some conditions logged in the
Fault History are not caused by actual faults, but are only temporary conditions
e.g. a motor lead was not connected when the DX System was turned on and
driving was attempted, producing a Motor Fault. It is recommended to erase
the Chair Log once the system is fully functional as only the previous 15 fault
conditions are recorded.
To View Chair Log
Enter the Wizard’s Main Menu screen as described in the Wizard
Installation Sheet / Online Help.
Select the ‘Diagnostics’ menu.
Select ‘Chair Log’.
From the ‘Modules Attached’ menu, select ‘UCM Remote’.
Below are listed the Chair Log codes and probable causes of these faults. If the
suggested action does not remove the fault, contact a Dynamic Sales and
Service Centre (refer to section 14).
Probable Cause and Action
CPU / General
Cause : Internal Fault
Replace Dolphin.
Consult an approved Dynamic Service Agent.
ADC Fault
Cause: Internal Fault
Replace Dolphin.
Consult an approved Dynamic Service Agent.