No. 60025, Issue 5. January 1999
Product Disclaimer 10
10 Product Disclaimer
Dynamic Controls Ltd. products built today allow our customer’s vehicles to
conform to national and international requirements.
In particular to:
Climatic Tests for Electric Wheelchairs.
Power and Control Systems for Electric
Requirements and test Methods for
Electromagnetic Compatibility of Electric
Powered Wheelchairs and Scooters.
However the performance of controllers fitted to wheelchairs and scooters is
very dependant on the design of the scooter or wheelchair so final compliance
must be obtained by the vehicle manufacturer for their particular vehicle. No
component compliance certificate issued by Dynamic Controls Ltd. relieves a
wheelchair / scooter manufacturer from compliance testing their particular
If Dynamic Controls Ltd. controllers are fitted to vehicles or applications other
than wheelchairs and scooters, testing to appropriate standards for the
particular application must be completed as ISO7176 may be inappropriate.