Chapter 3: Installation and Testing
Beeper Output
Pins 3 and 11 on the tiller connector can be configured as a beeper output. They are both
capable of an output up to 500mA.
The following beeper functions can be enabled or disabled: beeping when
entering sleep mode, beeping the fault codes, beeping when driving in reverse plus
battery deep discharge warning.
Battery Gauge Output
has incorporated a battery capacity algorithm and can output this to either a 5V
or 12V voltmeter battery gauge display (shown below). Alternatively, a digital LED display is
supported by using the “LED Battery Gauge” wiring shown on the right. The algorithm used is
the same as the Dynamic Shark power chair controller and has built-in filters to adjust for
voltage dips under load and floating voltages after periods of idling.
This function is available on Pin 10 of the tiller connector and is rated for 10mA source.
Voltmeter Battery Gauge
LED Battery Gauge
For a 5V Voltmeter Battery Gauge, set
( to '5V Gauge'.
For a 12V Voltmeter Battery Gauge, set
(Pin 3 or 11)