Chapter 4: Programming the Rhino2
Pin 10 Function
Possible Values
Std Adv
Pin 10 Function
Status High
Status Low
5V Gauge
12V Gauge
Status High
Sets the function of Pin 10 on the tiller connector.
Pin 10 is capable of sinking 50mA at 24V and sourcing 10mA at 12V.
- The output is not used.
Status High
- The output pin drives a 12 V Status LED (10 mA max).
The Status LED is on when the power is on.
When a fault condition exists, the Status LED shows the related flash code.
Connect the LED between pin 10 and B-. Install a resistor that limits the
current to 10 mA at 12 V. See also
(section 3.10.10).
Status Low
- The output pin drives a 24 V Status LED or lamp (50 mA max).
The Status LED is on when the power is on.
When a fault condition exists, the Status LED shows the related flash code.
Connect the LED between B+ and pin 10. Install a resistor that limits the
current to 50 mA at 24 V. See also
(section 3.10.10).
5V Gauge
- The pin will show the state of the battery on an analogue 5V voltmeter
battery gauge. Connect the battery gauge between pin 10 and B-.
See also
(section 3.10.12).
12V Gauge
- The pin will show the state of the battery on an analogue 12V voltmeter
battery gauge. Connect the battery gauge between pin 10 and B-.
See also
(section 3.10.12).
- Drives a digital multi-LED battery gauge display.
Connect the LED battery gauge between B+ and B-. Connect pin 10 to the
"Data In" input of the LED battery gauge.
If a Battery Charger inhibit is activated, the gauge shows a charging
sequence. If a flash code condition exists, the number of flashing bars
indicates the flash code number.
Key Switch Status LED
Possible Values
Std Adv
Key Switch Status LED
No / Yes
To reduce current drain, set this parameter to 'No' if a status LED is not wired in series with the
key switch.