Chapter 6: Appendices
Safety and Misuse Warnings
Warnings to be included in the User Manual
The following warnings are applicable to the installer and must be passed on to the end-user
before use of the product.
Do not install, maintain, or operate this equipment before you have read and understood
all the instructions and all the manuals for this product and all the other products that you
use or install together with this product. Follow the instructions of the manuals. If you do not
follow all instructions, injury or damage can be the result.
Do not try to open or disassemble any case - there are no user-serviceable parts inside.
The operator has the responsibility to keep the vehicle in a good safe operating condition.
To protect all the components (for example the cables) from damage, the operator must
fasten them in optimum positions.
Do not touch the connector pins. If you touch the pins, they can become dirty or they
can be damaged by electrostatic discharge.
Immediately turn the controller off and consult your service agent if the vehicle
Is damaged
Does not behave the same every time
Does not respond normally, the way you expect it to
Becomes hotter than normal
Does not change its speed when you adjust the speed reduction pot or the speed
reduction switch (if one is available on your vehicle)
Displays a fault on its fault indicator and the controller does not perform normally.
Turn the controller off
When you do not use it
Before you get in or get out of the vehicle
Before you use a mobile phone or a portable communications device near the vehicle
If your vehicle drives by itself or against your will. When you turn the controller off the
vehicle will halt.
In the case of an emergency while the vehicle is driving, press the On/Off button or turn
the key switch to perform an emergency stop and turn the controller off.
Do not drive the vehicle if the controller indicates that the battery is low. If the battery
becomes completely empty it will be damaged, and the vehicle will stop suddenly.
Make sure that the battery charger that is used with the vehicle has a drive inhibit function
that is correctly connected for use with the controller. If you are not sure, ask your dealer
or vehicle manufacturer.
If operators of the vehicle are left with limited or no mobility for any reason (for example,
because the vehicle loses electric power or breaks down), it is important that they can still
call for assistance from wherever they may be.
Go downhill slowly. When the vehicle drives downhill, the motors act as a dynamo and
generate energy. The controller sends the generated energy from the motor to the battery. This
charges the battery. However, if the battery is fully charged, it cannot accept the generated
energy anymore. When this happens, there is a risk of damage to the battery or an explosion.
To prevent this risk, the controller forces the vehicle to slow down until the battery can accept
more energy. After this, it allows the vehicle to speed up again. The result of this will be sudden
speed changes of the vehicle. To prevent these speed changes with fully charged batteries,
turn on the lights (if fitted) and decrease the speed of the vehicle when going downhill.
The controller can cause the vehicle to come to a sudden stop. If this can be dangerous to
the operator, the installer must install a seat belt, and the operator must wear this seat belt.
Operation of a vehicle on steep slopes can be dangerous. Before you drive up or down a
slope, make sure that the slope does not exceed the capability of the vehicle.
Do not use the park brake release on a slope.
Make sure that the controller does not become colder or hotter than the minimum and
maximum temperatures specified in this manual.