I n s t a l l a t i o n & P r o g r a m m i n g M a n u a l
Figure 4-4 European RJ11 telephone socket wiring
UK Telephone connection
To connect an extension socket in the UK a BT type ‘master’ or ‘primary’ socket must be used to
connect the first telephone, connected as shown in Figure 4-5 below. This socket includes extra
components in addition to the direct connection found in an ‘Extension’ socket. Subsequent sockets
on the same extension may use standard ‘Extension’ sockets. Note: the diagram may not reflect the
layout of your master socket – use the pin numbers as labelled in the diagram and on the socket as a
guide. Also, the socket may use Insulation displacement connectors in place of screw terminals. The
recommended wiring colours are also specified in the figure.
Figure 4-5 UK BT telephone socket wiring
Expansion / Optional PCB Installation
The Expansion/Optional PCB contains digital circuitry which, while extremely reliable, can be
damaged by exposure to excessive static electricity. Use static handling precautions when handling
these boards, e.g.
Extension connector
block. Connect to the
terminals marked
Pin 2 to voice +
(white with blue bands)
Pin 4 – not used
Pin 5 to voice –
(blue with white bands)
Pin 3 - not used
Pin 6 – sign
(green with white bands)
Pin 1 to signalling –
(white with green bands)
BT Master
For System Terminals only
Connect to the terminals marked
‘Ter 1’ or ‘Ter 2’.
For System Terminals only
Connect to the terminals marked
‘Ter 1’ or ‘Ter 2’.
Extension connector block.
Connect to the terminals
marked ‘Extensions’
Pin 2 to signalling -
Pin 4 to voice -
Pin 5 to sign
Pin 3 to voice +
Pin 6 - not used
Pin 1 - not used