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(the central right listbox will display the partitions contained in the current groups);
Select the output audio: use the mouse to click the ENABLE audio in “EVAC MESSAGE” (needing
the emergency status) or “LINE INPUT AUDIO” on the right side.
Control of all system partitions (of course it can achieve the same result by adding all system
partitions into one or more groups): Select the target partitions: select output audio after clicking the
“ALL PARTITIONS” in the lower right corner (use the mouse to click ENABLE audio in “EVAC
MESSAGE” (needing the emergency status) or “LINE INPUT AUDIO” on the right side)
Close the Groups:
1. Select the target partitions:
2. select output audio: use the mouse to click ENABLE audio in “EVAC MESSAGE” (needing the
emergency status) or “LINE INPUT AUDIO” on the right side System Equipment State (STATE)
The column “STATE&EQUIPMENT ID” displays the current system equipment, including the
host, extended host and business MIC;
“DETAILED” is the ID state list of corresponding equipment. The user can double-click this item
to have a check as to the host and extended host (as shown below):