To remove propellers, support the motor with one hand and push down on
the two pins on the side while turning the propeller in any direction until it
pops up. A tool is also provided in the kit to make this process much easier.
The blades are sharp, please be careful to avoid accidental cutting or
scratches. Prior to each flight, please check that the propellers are smooth
all over and are correctly installed and securely fastened. Do not use props
that show any damage.
Preparing for Flight
Before every flight, it is important to prepare your drone properly.
This section is presented in two sections:
Preparation before your first flight
(or when the drone is more than 200km from its last flight location)
Preparation before every flight.
Preparation Before your First Flight (or in a new location)
The drone relies on very sensitive sensors to control flight positioning and
stability. The compass sensors need to be calibrated before flying in a new
location or if the drone has suffered undue shock or excessive vibration.
Be aware that take off location can or may contain Magnetic interference or
anomalies that can interfere with the drones compass, if you find you are having
unusual compass errors or drone acting different, please move to a new location
first before calibrating compass and forcing a wrong calibration.
Compass Calibration
Compass calibration is necessary if:
The drone is brand new.
The drone is more than 200km from the location of its last flight and RC asks
for calibration.
The YAW (Y) indication on the Remote Controller screen does not show the
correct compass reading (North = 0°, South = 180°) ±10°
The drone has been subjected to strong magnetic fields. (ie from strong car
speakers etc)
The drone has been crashed or dropped accidentally
The drone sways or drifts excessively during hover in GPS mode
The drone Status Indicators are solid RED when trying to arm (unlock) the
When installing or removing the propellers, place one hand under the motor
to support it when installing or removing propellers.
Failure to provide this support could result in bending or breaking the
landing gear.
The Gannet II / II MAX has two pairs of propellers - two clockwise propellers and
two counter-clockwise propellers. The hub of each motor is marked with a circle
to indicate the propeller used for that motor. Propellers cannot be attached to
the wrong motor by accident.
Attaching and Removing propellers:
The Gannet 11 and 11+ are now supplied with the new quick release propeller
attachments that are colour coded for ease of install to correct motors.
Check that the propeller rotation (CW or CCW) matches the motor hub. This
is the normal direction the propellers spin during flight. (as in Diagram above)
Also indicated by red to red and black to black on the new quick release
Push the propeller down and rotate the propeller on the hub until it clicks and
Check the propeller is completely locked by holding the motor hub firmly and
ensuring that the propeller cannot be turned.