Heli Battery
live color graph
indicates helicopter battery strength, green, yellow,
and red scale green strong, yellow warning, red inadequate.
live color graph,
indicates controller to helicopter link strength, green,
yellow, and red scale green strong, yellow warning, red inadequate.
GPS Screen
button, gives access to Basic, Inertial and GPS Screens, the active screen
is highlighted in green. By default pressing the Views button will always bring
you to the Basic Screen.
button: pressing it gives access to set up and configuration functions.
displays the current time as provided by GPS. (Time zone is set using
Config screen/ Time Zone)
displays length of flight, (calculated by length of time throttle is up and
rotors moving to cause flight). Flight time is accumulative as long as the
handheld controller and helicopter are powered up
(flight time will reset to zero
up change of battery).
elevation angle of the helicopters position above or below the equator
as provided by GPS.
GPS Altitude:
provided by GPS (Altitude above sea level)
Draganflyer X8 – Users Manual
07/13/11 Ver 11-01 e