11. Memory
Dr. A. Kuntze
Gutes Wasser mit System
Robert-Bosch-Str. 7a
40668 Meerbusch
+49 (0) 2150-7066-0 / Fax -60
11.3. How to save the diagnosis file
If the measurement does not run as planned, it is useful to assess the situation by checking all settings
and current values. To collect all the information and maybe have it ready for a contact person, you can
save a diagnosis file on the SD card.
In the submenu MEMORY select the symbol SAVE.
Select the symbol DIAGNOSIS.
Acknowledge with OK.
The display shows the name of the created file. The name consists
of the parameter and the date, for example pH210812_2339.dia.
Acknowledge with OK.
The .dia file is a binary file and can only be read with an appropriate confi-
guration program.