The "A1" and "A2" settings refer to a software utility called "Auto Averaging". In these
modes, averaging will be disabled when the scale is in motion in order to achieve a fast
update. When the scale stabilizes, averaging is reenabled to achieve the most stable final
reading. The difference between "A1" and "A2" is that "A2" has more readings averaged
at stability than "A1". This type of averaging may not be desirable in certain filling
applications as it has a tendency to be too slow when a product is being "trickled in" or
"topped off".
1a. Analog Filter (AnF)
Filter setting of 0.08 Hz (slowest response - for unstable environments)
Filter setting of 0.15 Hz
Filter setting of 0.31 Hz
Filter setting of 0.62 Hz
Filter setting of 1.25 Hz
Filter setting of 2.50 Hz
(fastest response - for stable environments)
The Analog Filter Selection allows the user to select different filter settings for different
environments. This parameter is accessed by pressing the PRINT button when the
Averaging (Avg) parameter is selected. A selection of 1 will take longer to reach a stable
weight but provide a large amount of filtering for a very unstable environment. A setting of 6
will respond immediately but provide very little filtering. The analog filter setting also affects
the display update rate. A setting of 1 will cause a very low update rate, while a setting of 6
will provide a very high update rate.
2. Automatic Zero Tracking (AZt)
+/- .5 division from zero will be automatically zeroed
+/- 1 division from zero will be automatically zeroed
+/- 3 divisions from zero will be automatically zeroed
Automatic Zero Tracking is used to compensate for small deviations from zero normally
caused by such things as slight air currents or foreign material/product left on the scale
platform. Automatic Zero Tracking will measure this deviation every scale update, and if it
is within the specified range of scale divisions, it will automatically rezero the scale.
If you are working with minute weights that are near zero, it is advisable to turn Automatic
Zero Tracking off, as it may interfere with the proper results. If a "Legal For Trade" mode is
selected, the Azt will default to 0.5 divisions or OFF.
Section 6 Parameter Setup