Section 4. Scale Operation
The Doran 4200 is a powerful and versatile weighing instrument. It provides the user with
the capability of easily changing the scale parameters of the 4200 to fit each application.
The 4200 is preset at the factory to the most commonly used settings. Refer to Section 6
Parameter Setup for information about these settings and how to change them. You can
use the 4200 "as is" to become familiar with its operation, and then customize it to your
particular needs as required.
The Model 4200 is primarily a checkweigher, but can be used for normal weighing and a
number of other functions. The bargraph checkweigh display can be configured to meet a
variety of needs. The 4200 comes standard with the capability of storing tares and over
and under values for 20 products. This capability can be expanded to 200 products with
option 42 OPT 27. The 4200 also comes standard with serial output capability for printing,
as well as serial bi-directional capability for communicating with a computer or terminal
(the bi-directional port can be used to control most of the functions of the indicator).
Keep in mind that the 4200 can be operated very simply by using only the ZERO button,
just like our tried and proven Model 4100 Checkweigh Scale. Or, you can utilize more of
the 4200's power by using its other features as you require.
To turn on the 4200, simply plug it into a proper wall receptacle. The power plug is the
main power disconnect, the only way to remove power from the scale is to pull the power
plug. Do not plug a 120VAC model into a 240VAC receptacle as this will cause certain
damage. Upon power-up, the display will show the current software number, and then the
current revision level (rev x.x) for several seconds. Next, a display test sequence turns on
the 8 annunciators, Over, Accept, and Under indicators, and each numeric display digit
After the display test, the 4200 performs an auto-zero function, bringing the weight display
to zero. Anything on the scale will be zeroed out, so be sure that the platter is empty upon
power-up to avoid possible errors. If "auto-zero upon power-up" is not selected in the
parameter setup menu, the 4200 will display the actual gross weight on the scale using
either the calibrated zero point or the last push-button zero point as the zero reference
point, depending on which parameter is selected in the setup mode. This is useful for
batching or filling applications so that a fill cycle can be resumed after a power failure
without auto-zeroing the scale.