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This Guide is made available for the express use of owners and users of the Dive Lab XLDS systems.
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Document XLDS Guide – Section Four A
Revised September 30, 2019
1. Ensure the HP supply whips are disconnected
from the cylinders, and the entire RDC console
has been vented.
2. Ensure the work area is clean, and all tools are
Tools and Components Needed
3/4” Open end Wrench (2 Each)
0-250 inch lbs. Torque Wrench
Crows Foot Wrench ¾”
5/16 Allen Wrench Socket For Torque
Needle Nose Pliers
10 x Magnifying Glass
Brass Pick Set
¼” Wooden Dowel or Plastic Rod (Blunt
3/32” Allen Wrench
Christo Lube
Soft Goods Kit PN# 1XL7RK
Teflon Tape
Disassembly and Overhaul
1. Using one of the 13/16 and ¾ in wrenches,
hold the base of the valve, loosen the bonnet
(5), and remove.
2. Using the two 3/4” wrenches, loosen the lock
nut (2), and then remove the cap (1). Then
drop out the spring (3), and spring disk (4).
3. If the valve body is to be removed, remove it
at this time, using the 13/16 wrench.
4. Remove the bonnet O-ring (6), and stem (8).
5. Using the brass pick, carefully fish out the
O-ring (7), internal to the bonnet.
Figure 61 Bonnet O-Ring
6. Using the 5/16 Allen wrench, loosen and
remove the stem seat (9), then using the pick
remove the O-ring (10), and body seat (11).
7. Discard the three old O-rings, then clean all
the parts and blow or air dry. After drying,
carefully inspect all components, for signs of
damage and contamination. Re-clean as
1. Lightly lubricate the three new O-rings (10, 7,
6), and set aside.
2. Install the body seat (11), O-ring (10), then
using the blunt end of the dowel, press down
on the O-ring, and body seat to fully seat the
O-ring around the body seat.
The relief valve can be overhauled in place,
however for best results it is easiest to remove
the relief valve from the manifold if performing
an overhaul, so that the valve can be properly
The O-ring can be difficult to remove and
requires manipulation with the O-ring pick and
the 6/32” Allen wrench from the bottom end of
the bonnet.