© Copyright 2003-2019 Dive Lab® Inc. All rights reserved.
This Guide is made available for the express use of owners and users of the Dive Lab XLDS systems.
This information is subject to periodic updates and changes. Always check the Dive Lab web site for the latest versions.
Document XLDS Guide – Section Three
Revised July 17, 2019
High Pressure Air System
The standard high-pressure air attachment to
SCUBA cylinders, are either DIN or SCUBA “A”
Yokes, rated for a maximum supply pressure of
(4350 psig DIN), (3500 psig A-Yoke).
All standard
RDC-2 and
RDC-3 Whips, are rated for a
maximum working pressure of 5000 psig, or as
marked on the Whip. Other Whips up to 25 feet
in length, can be used, providing they have a
minimum I.D. of 0.112. Whips over 25 feet in
length, should have a minimum I.D. of 0.160.
DIN Yoke Assembly
Proper rated DIN fittings, as well as CGA fittings,
can be used to their appropriate working
pressure, up to the systems maximum supply
pressure of 5000 psig.
Each divers’ circuit comes standard, with two
cylinder attachment whips and yokes, which
attach to a routing block and shut-off valves.
Each supply system allows attachment, to two
single SCUBA cylinders, or two sets of twin SCUBA
cylinders, if twin cylinders are being used. Each
divers’ circuit, should always be set-up with each
yoke attached to a fully charged cylinder, and
only one cylinder supply should be on line at a
time, so that when the gas supply reaches
approximately 400 psig, it can be secured and the
other supply opened.
By keeping the system set-up in this manner, the
depleted cylinder(s) can then be changed out,
and a full cylinder placed in the ready, without
interruption of breathing air. Prior
to attaching
the cylinders, each HP circuit should be
inspected, for signs of damage.
HP Whip Assembly - 3 Diver
Diver Intermediate
Compensating Manifold Gas
The divers’ umbilical snap shackle attaches to D
ring on the left side of the harness. The Umbilical
connects to the male CGA O2 fitting, on the
compensating manifold one way valve. The one
way valve allows the umbilical gas to supply the
manifold regulator reduces the umbilical supply
to a normal supply pressure, between 150-170
psig over ambient. Air then travels up a 5/16”
intermediate whip, to the helmet or mask being
used. The manifold is also equipped with a multi-
turn EGS Valve, for interface
with the emergency
air system.
The HP whips supplied are rated for 5000 psig
service, but should not be used at pressures
greater than 3500 psig, unless the Yokes are
replaced with supply fittings, rated for the
increased pressure (DIN).
Ensure the Cylinder Valve Outlet opening is
pointing away, in a safe direction, then slightly
crack open and shut each Cylinder Valve
momentarily, to dispel any dust or dirt,that may be
present in the Valve Orifice.