© Copyright 2003-2019 Dive Lab® Inc. All rights reserved.
This Guide is made available for the express use of owners and users of the Dive Lab XLDS systems.
This information is subject to periodic updates and changes. Always check the Dive Lab web site for the latest versions.
Document XLDS Guide – Section Four A
Revised September 30, 2019
The ½” port is the outlet. The ¼” port adjacent to
the ½” port, is the LP that is plugged with a pipe
plug. The port to the left is a HP outlet port and is
also plugged.
The HP inlet port is directly on the opposite side
of the regulator body, opposite the large ½” port.
Outlet pressure is adjusted by rotating the
regulator hand wheel, to the desired value, as
read on the outlet gauge. When reducing the
pressure, the regulator will not vent the LP
manifold, because of the check valve at the outlet
of the regulator. It will vent slightly, when first
backed off via the vent hole near the cap. This is
normal. To lower the manifold pressure, vent the
umbilical pressure to below the new setting, then
increase pressure to the new setting.
Figure 1
Trouble Shooting
The number one cause of leakage in the high-
pressure regulator, is a dirty corroded HP seat,
due to dirt or moisture in the air supply. If
leakage occurs through the regulator, or out the
regulator vent, allow the inlet and outlet
pressure, to equalize by shutting off the inlet. If
leakage continues after the inlet and outlet
equalize, the vent seat (8) or piston seal (6) is
leaking. Replace both. If leakage stops, when the
inlet and outlet pressure equalize, the poppet
cartridge item (2) is leaking. Replace. Consult Dive
Lab, if necessary.
An outlet gauge and relief valve set no higher
than 400 psig, should be connected to LP
Maintenance and Repair
As with any regulator or valve, particulates or
moisture, can plug or freeze the internal filter or
valve seat. This can occur, when air compressor
supply dryers are not adequate, or are not used
regularly. The regulator should be overhauled, at
least every three years. Systems in continuous
use, may require overhaul more often. The user
should establish time intervals for changing the
valve cartridge, filter, and any upstream dryers,
based on experience and service conditions.
Back-up systems should be used in very critical
applications, since field maintenance is hard to
ensure. The poppet cartridge
(2) is a factory
assembled item, and should be replaced as an
assembly. Always keep at least one spare
cartridge on hand for repairs. In all cases, the
unit can be returned to Dive Lab for repair.
Maintenance or repairs, should only be done by
qualified personnel, allowing the drawings and
parts lists herein.
Overhaul of the regulator should be limited to
cleaning and changing the HP cartridge assembly
as well as the upper piston assembly.