Rev. 1 – 07/24/2014
If a protractor is not available, the following procedure may be substituted:
1. Insert a stiff cardboard sheet of paper in the space between the aileron and the flap. Hold
the drawing paper against the flap.
2. Put the aileron in a neutral position. Then trace its profile (upper surface from the hinge to
the trailing edge). Then trace the profile of the aileron fully deflected in both directions.
3. Remove the drawing paper and measure the deflection from the neutral position using a
4. Compare the measured deflections with those specified in the Control Surfaces
Deflection Requirements. If required - adjust the aileron
Flap deflection measurement
1. Cut a strip of aluminum sheet 2 inches (50 mm) wide. The strip is than attached to the
flap lower surface with two bolts (somewhere in the middle of the flap span where two
nuts are riveted). The strip should overhang the flap trailing edge.
2. Attach a protractor with a deflection hand at the strip using a clamp.
3. Zero the protractor - this will be the starting position for measurement with the flaps
4. Extend the flap to the required position using the flap control lever and read the deflection
5. Compare the measured deflections with those specified in the Control Surfaces
Deflection Requirements. If required - adjust flap.
If a protractor is not available, the following procedure may be substituted:
1. Insert a stiff cardboard sheet of paper in the space between the aileron and the flap. Hold
the drawing paper against the flap.
2. Trace the profile of the retracted flap on the lower surface from the hinge to the flap
trailing edge)
3. Move the flap to an extended position and trace the lower surface profile again
4. Remove the drawing paper and measure the deflection from the "RETRACTED" position
using a protractor
5. Compare the measured deflections with those specified in the Control Surfaces
Deflection Requirements. If required - adjust flap.