Rev. 1 – 07/24/2014
3.6.1. Description
Longitudinal control system
The airplane is equipped with a classic dual control system. The elevator is controlled by control
sticks, with connecting rods and arms. A control stick push/pull movement is transmitted, by a rod inside the
quadrant between the seats to the elevator through a two-armed lever located underneath the baggage
compartment floor cover.
From there two control cables with turnbuckles transmit a longitudinal motion towards the two-armed
lever of the elevator. A control stick motion is limited by two stops. Both control sticks have a common "push-
down" stop on the center-section and each control stick has a "pull-up" stop formed with a reinforcement
riveted on the front edge of each seat. The rods have adjustable ends and swivel bearings to adjust the
elevator deflections.
Lateral control system
The ailerons are controlled by control sticks, with connecting rods and arms. A control stick lateral
motion is transferred by a short rod in the cockpit to a longitudinal movement of a longer rod in the wing. This
in turn transfers to the angular displacement of a two-armed lever attached to the wing main spar. The two-
armed lever angular movement is transferred to the ailerons by short rods. The rods have adjustable ends to
adjust the aileron deflections. The control stick has a termination stop.
Figure 3-25 – Longitudinal and lateral control system layout (Fuselage)