Detach the camera’s cover dome from the
camera’s module by unscrewing the three cover
dome screws using the L-Wrench.
Use the camera or mounting template to mark and
drill the necessary holes in the wall or ceiling.
Pull wires through and make connections.
Using three (3) included screws, mount and secure
the camera to the wall or ceiling.
Secure the camera’s cover dome onto the camera
base to complete the installation.
To use the LAN water protector case, refer to the
diagram below:
1. Insert the network cable into (a), the camera’s
network port.
2. Connect (b) to the camera’s network port by
rotating it clock-wise until tight.
3. To complete the water-proof installation, connect
part (c) to the case’s body, securing tightly by
rotating it clock-wise.
U s i n g t h e C a b l e W e a t h er P r o t e c t o r
E a s y C a m e r a I n s t a ll a t i o n