S e t u p > C a m e r a > D a y & N i g h t C o n t r o l
A d j u s t t h e M E G A p i x ® C a a S ™ c a m e r a ’ s D a y & N i g h t , I m a g e a n d C o l o r
s e t t i n g s .
1. Day / Night – select the camera’s color mode.
Auto – The camera will switch between color and B/W automatically based on the levels of light in the camera’s Field
of View (FoV).
Force Day – Manually use the camera’s True Day/Night IR cut filter the camera’s view to day mode regardless of the
light levels in the camera’s FoV.
Force Night – Manually removes the True Day/Night IR cut filter from the camera’s lens and turns the camera’s view
to night mode regardless of the light levels in the camera’s FoV.
2. Advanced Settings – The camera will switch by default to B/W in night mode. You can manually
select what action the camera will take in night mode under the advanced settings. You can
change the settings by selecting Color in the advanced settings.
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