S e t u p > C a m e r a > C o l o r S e t t i n g
A d j u s t t h e M E G A p i x ® C a a S ™ c a m e r a ’ s D a y & N i g h t , I m a g e a n d C o l o r
s e t t i n g s .
1. Saturation – Set the camera’s saturation levels from 0 ~ 255. The higher the number, the more
vibrant will the colors appear on the camera’s image. The lower the number, the more black and
white the image will appear. Default value is 64.
2. Brightness – Set the brightness of the camera’s image from -255~255. The higher the number, the
brighter the camera’s image will appear. Default value is 0.
3. Hue – from -15 ~ 15. The higher the number, the camera’s image will use warmer tones. The
lower the number, the camera’s image will use cooler color tones. Default value is 0.
4. Contrast – Set the camera’s contrast between 0 ~ 128. The higher the number, the contrast
between the dark and bright areas in the camera’s FoV will be more distinct. Default value is 64.
5. Sharpness – Sets the image sharpness between 0 ~ 255. The higher the number, the sharper the
image. Default value 128.
6. White Balance Control – This gives the
camera a reference to “true white.” White
Balance is used to make colors appear the
same in the Field of View (FoV) no matter
what is the light temperature of the light
source. Select form the available drop-down
menu options.
7. White Balance Method – Select the Custom,
Normal, or Gray World.
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