S e t u p > B a s i c > E d g e > D W S p e c t r u m C a a S ™
T h e M E G A p i x ® C a a S ™ c a m e r a s u p p o r t e d g e s t o r a g e w i t h D W S p e c t r u m
C a a S ™ .
Once the DW Spectrum CaaS™ software is installed on the camera, the camera is considered a DW
Spectrum server. As such, all settings for the camera’s recording, playback, backup, and further
software updates can be done from the DW Spectrum client.
1. To access the camera via DW Spectrum client, please install the client software included in the
accessory CD.
2. Run the DW Spectrum software.
3. Enter the camera’s IP address in the login screen.
4. See the DW Spectrum manual for more information on DW Spectrum operation.
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1920x1080 10.00fps @ 1.96Mbps (H264) Hi-Res