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V i e w t h e M E G A p i x ® C a a S ™ c a m e r a ’ s b a s i c i n f o r m a t i o n .
This page displays the camera’s main information including:
1. Camera’s Date And Time – Displays the camera’s current date, time and time zone.
2. Camera’s Uptime – how long the camera has been operating since its last power cycle
3. Code Version – camera’s firmware version.
4. MAC & IP Address – the camera’s address information.
5. Camera Name – display the camera’s name.
6. Camera Model – displays the camera’s model number
7. SD Card Information - displays the size of all SD cards currently mounted on the camera.
8. Port – displays the web port for the camera.
9. SD Card Status – displays the current SD
card’s status, size and remaining space.
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