1. Detach the camera’s cover dome from the camera’s
module by unscrewing the three cover dome screws.
2. Using the metal mount plate, mark and drill the
necessary holes in the wall or ceiling.
3. Pull wires through and make connections.
4. Using the three (3) included screws, mount and secure
the camera to the wall or ceiling.
5. Attach the camera base to the metal mount by
snapping it into place using the two metal handles.
6. Secure the camera’s cover dome onto the camera
base to complete the installation.
7. See page 9 for water-proof cabling installation.
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To adjust the camera’s orientation:
1. Loosen the tilt stopper screw at the base of the
camera’s Gimbal by rotating it counter clock-wise.
2. Move the camera to the desired angle.
3. Secure the camera’s lens position by screwing
the tilt stopper screw clock-wise.
A d j us t i ng t h e C a m e r a ’ s A n g l e