S e t u p > B a s i c > V i d e o
T h e M E G A p i x ® C a a S ™ c a m e r a a l l o w s y o u t o s e t u p 2 d i f f e r e n t s t r e a m s t o
o p t i m i z e s t o r a g e a n d b a n d w i d t h u s a g e .
1. Advanced Stream Settings: H.264-
GOP Size – This sets the number of I-frames and P-frames per second. If GOP is set to 30, the camera will record 1
I-frame and 29 P-frames. To improve the recording quality, lower the GOP number. However, the lower the number,
the larger streaming file size will be.
Bitrate Control – Select the appropriate bitrate control option from the drop-down menu options.
Minimum and Maximum Bitrate – Set the min and max values for the camera’s bitrate range.
Min/ Max Bitrate – If VBR Bitrate mode is selected, adjust the minimum and maximum bitrate levels.
Frist Stream: Max 8Mbits, Min 1 Mbit
Second Stream: Max 6Mbits, Min 0.5 Mbits
Average Bitrate – If CBR Bitrate mode is selected, adjust the average bitrate.
2. Advanced Stream Settings: MJPEG Quality-
Set MJPEG image quality from 25 to 85. The
higher the quality, the more bandwidth will be
required to stream the image.
3. Advanced Stream Settings: Overlay- Select
to show/ hide time stamp and select the text
color. The time stamp will appear on the top
left side of the camera’s view.
4. Select ‘
’ to save changes.
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