S e t u p > S y s t e m > F i r m w a r e U p g r a de
V i e w t h e M E G A p i x ® C a a S ™ c a m e r a ’ s b a s i c i n f o r m a t i o n .
Use this setting page to upgrade the camera’s firmware. The information at the top of the page shows
the camera’s name, current firmware version and date. To check for the latest firmware, click on the
link to Digital Watchdog’s website, or go to
To start the upgrade process:
1. Download the latest firmware from the Digital Watchdog website.
2. Click the ‘Browse’ button and select the firmware file.
3. Press the ‘Upload’ button.
4. The system will automatically start the upgrade process.
5. You can track the upgrade process in the update status page.
6. Once the upgrade is complete, the camera will reboot to complete the update.
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