8 Groups are memorized to repeat a series of Presets, Patterns, and Scans. Each group can be
stored 20 entities of Preset/Pattern/Group functions. This function enables the dome camera
to move in combinations of those functions repetitively.
4 Privacy Zone Masks can be programmed. The Masked Zones can be set anywhere in the
viewing area and can be any size.
7 Schedules can be assigned by day and time. Appropriate actions (such as Home, Preset,
Group, Pattern, Scan) can be defined for each rule. Also, it is possible to schedule these
customer settings by daily and weekly requirements.
PTZ (Pan/Tilt/Zoom) Control
RS-485 control, max. 256 cameras can be controlled at the same time. [To Be Delete]
Pelco-D/ Pelco-P /Samsung protocol can be selected as a control protocol in the current
version of firmware. (Using the small Dip-switch at the back of the dome camera)