Abacus junior 5
User’s Manual
1.2.3 Reagents
Only reagents recommended by
should be used with the analyzer,
otherwise accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
Isotonic saline solution used to dilute whole blood
specimens and to rinse the fluidic system between
measuring procedures.
Lysing reagent:
Used to create hemolysate for 3-part WBC
differential and for total WBC and HGB.
EOS Reagent:
A selective reagent similar to the lysing reagent, but
its feature is leaving EOS cells intact, and helping
EOS population definition. Needs thermal
conditioning internally for selective effect.
BAS Reagent:
A selective reagent similar to the lysing reagent, but
its feature is leaving BAS cells intact, and helping
BAS population definition. Needs thermal
conditioning internally for selective effect.
Used in cleaning process of the fluidics.
1.2.4 Technical Operation
Abacus junior 5
is a fully automated instrument, operation requires
minimal training or technical support. Operator interaction is reduced to the following:
Blank Measurement
in case the instrument is left idle for a long time
Enter sample and/or patient data
Insert sample into sample holder for analysis
Print results either one-by-one, or by selecting records from the database
Perform a simple weekly maintenance, as described later in this manual.
1.2.5 Calibration and Quality Control
Abacus junior 5
arrives to your laboratory factory-calibrated and ready to
use. However, calibration needs updating whenever you find that the results have
slightly changed, a different, or a new control material is used. With each control
material you receive to be used with the instrument, you will find a control sheet
listing the parameters the instrument should match. Perform these calibrations as
explained in a later chapter.
Quality Control is used to check proper calibration and performance of the analyzer.
Running these samples should happen on a regular basis, as also explained in a
later chapter.