© Diatron MI Ltd. 2005
Warning flags in lowercase refer to RBC or PLT problems:
Recommended user action
PLT blank is high, or no
PLT blank
Run cleaning and repeat the blank measurement.
Diluent or system cleanliness problem.
If it remains high after numerous blanks, replace diluent by
opening a new tank.
RBC blank is high, or no
RBC blank
Same action as in case of warning flag
RBC/PLT clogging
The same action as in case of the
warning flag.
Slice error
The sample just run might be clogged, not well mixed, or has
too many cells. Try re-running the sample, or use pre-dilution.
Data error
The measurement-processing unit encountered problems it
could not correct. If problem persists, contact service for
software or measurement unit revision.
More cells
There were too many cells in the WBC solution. Try running
the sample in pre-diluted mode.
RBC peak not good
The analytical algorithm found the RBC peak located at an
unexpected position, and cannot define exact RBC count.
Make sure the sample was well mixed, and run it again.
RBC-PLT limit fault
The analytical software could not separate RBC’s from PLT’s
as the populations overlapped. Run the sample in pre-diluted
Table 4. Summary of warning flags related to RBC/PLT
Warning flags can be grouped according to measurement conditions and according
to the problems relating to the blood sample.
Measurement conditions: when the flags are related to clogging (
c, C
), or probably
hemolysing problems (
E, b, B, p
) and pressure problems (Fatal pressure error),
repeat the measurement.
The asterisk flag (
) near a parameter shows some doubt suspected during the
evaluation of that parameter. The reasons can be: a high PLT blank (PLT value will
be marked), a case of indefinite discriminator setting (default location has to be used,
related parameters will be marked), etc.
Another flagging method is evaluation against the normal ranges. If some of the
parameters are out of range, it gets a (
) flag if under the range, or gets (
) if over the
range, and the parameter gets inverted on the result screen. You can customize
ranges for all types of patients by setting the corresponding lower and upper ranges.
0 (zero) value for range limit indicates no verification is needed.