OneBox and Ericsson are registered trademarks of Ericsson Enterprise AB. Dialogic is a registered trademark and D/41ESCand D/160SC-LS are trademarks of
Dialogic Corporation, an Intel company. Brooktrout is a trademark of Brooktrout Technology, a Brooktrout Company.
All other products, brand names, or companies mentioned in this document may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
R3B Copyright
Ericsson Enterprise AB 1997–2001
All rights reserved.
Dialogic SCbus Linecard
Installation and Replacement
Inside This Document:
This document explains how to install or replace one or more Dialogic D/41ESC
linecards in a OneBox
platform. The information in this document pertains to
platforms running OneBox version 1.1 or later.
We recommend that you read this entire document before beginning disassembly.
Dialogic SCbus linecards
be used in a computer platform containing Dialogic PCI linecards (includes
D/4PCI, D/41EPCI, D/120JCT-LS, and D/240PCI-T1) or Dialogic D/41D cards. If Dialogic PCI linecards or D/41D
linecards are currently installed in the platform, they must be removed prior to installing the SCbus
linecards. Dialogic SCbus linecards can be used in conjunction with all Brooktrout™ fax cards.