Dialogic SCbus Linecard Installation and Replacement
Aug 2001 Ericsson Enterprise AB
Configuring the Default Line State (Hook Switch State)
Each Dialogic D/41ESC linecard has a configurable default line state (hook switch state).
This setting determines how the D/41ESC will respond to incoming telephone calls when
the OneBox platform is turned on but the OneBox server is not running or the Dialogic
System Software device driver is not started.
Dialogic configures each D/41ESC linecard at the factory with
as its default line
state, which means the linecard will respond to all incoming telephone calls with ring no
answer (RNA) when OneBox is not running or the Dialogic System Software device
driver is not started.
We recommend that each Dialogic D/41ESC linecard be configured to
as its
default line state. When the default line state is set to offhook, the linecard will respond to
all incoming telephone calls with a busy signal when the OneBox platform is turned on
but OneBox is not started or the Dialogic System Software device driver is not started.
To change the default line state to offhook:
Flip the SW2 switch position 1 on the D/41ESC to the ON position.
Refer to Figure 1, on the next page, for assistance in locating the SW2 switch.