1.1. Legal Information
All information presented is illustrative and is not meant to be used for
clinical or maintenance evaluation. The data shown in sample printouts,
screens do not reflect actual patient names or test results.
These instructions are meant for Diagon Ltd. trained personnel or other
professionals who have experience with the operation and maintenance
of the product identified. Those who lack such experience may only use
the product under direct supervision of representatives of Diagon Ltd.
Diagon Ltd. will not take responsibility for any damage or loss that result
from, or are in connection with the actions of persons who did not receive
full training from Diagon Ltd. This limitation does not apply to trained pro-
fessionals and representatives of Diagon Ltd.
Communication (written or spoken) between the user and Diagon Ltd.
does not constitute as a confidential relationship. Such information is
considered non-confidential, which means Diagon Ltd. may reproduce,
publish or use it without limitation for research, development, manufac-
ture, service or usage purposes and for the sale of products that entail
such information. Anyone who contacts Diagon Ltd. is responsible for
the accuracy and sincerity of the information transmitted. They are also
responsible for information that violates any person’s proprietary rights.
Diagon Ltd. is not engaged in rendering medical advice or services.
The information provided is subject to change – always refer to the latest
documents for current information.
None of the contents and/or media of this manual may be reproduced,
stored, retrieved or transmitted by any form or means without written per-
mission from Diagon Ltd.
1.2. Limited Warranty
The distributor provides warranty appropriate for the national regulations
valid in the country of distribution.