4.7 Reagent Safety Guide
Always follow the instructions for use packaged with the reagents and
read the labels of the reagent containers before use.
Store reagents at a temperature that is specified in the instructions for
If the reagents are not used for a long stretch of time, make sure to store
them in a refrigerator with the cap tightly closed. Improper storage may
negatively influence test results.
Make sure to keep reagents from dust or infectious agents to avoid con-
Never use reagents that are past their expiration date. Expired reagents
are hazardous waste and should be disposed of accordingly.
Make sure the reagents do not come into contact with skin or soft tissue.
If the reagent comes into contact with your eyes, rinse them with plenty of
water and then seek medical aid.
Do not ingest reagents – if you do swallow the reagent, immediately force
yourself to vomit by drinking a large amount of warm, salted water and
then seek medical aid.
Always wear appropriate protective gear when treating samples and rea-
gents, and wash your hands after every measurement with a disinfectant
to prevent infection.
For further information on the use of reagents, refer to the instructions
for use packaged with them or the official Diagon website (www.diagon.
com). Please note that the product selection may be subject to change –
always obtain the most current information regarding the reagents from
the manufacturer or the website mentioned above.