increases until complete coagulation takes place.
Coagulation time starts when the reaction mixture is prepared, and its
completion can be determined from the time function of the intensity of
the light scattering.
The algorithm is in the Setup menu, which plays a role in the determina-
tion of the endpoint of the coagulation time.
Clotting test result calculation:
Rate=time/Normal Value
In this formula, ‘time’ corresponds to the measured
coagulation time in relation to the ‘Normal Value’,
which is the mean coagulation time of normal plasma.
International Normalized Ratio (INR)
Power method calculated INR: INR (Power) =
Rate ISI (ISI stands for International Sensitivity Index)
The concentration or percentage value is calculated
from the blood coagulation time(s). The software of
the instrument places a calibration curve on the
input function points, and based on the curve
unknown concentration or percentage values can
be determined based on the measured coagulation
time. The points of the calibration curve may be
provided by the manufacturer of the reagent, if
such points are absent, they must be determined by
the user from a dilution series.
INR (Calibrated)
A calibration curve can also be used to determine
the INR value. The points of the curve are provided
by the manufacturer of the reagent, which are based
on a known INR value calibration series. The input
process is the same as the input of the coagulation
time concentration function points.
5.1.2 Turbidimetric measurement
The instrument has a specific function for measuring D-Dimer. For this
purpose, the instrument is equipped with measuring positions that conta-
in 1 photometer unit that operates at a 570 nm wavelength.
During turbidimetric measurements a sample of a specific volume is in