Setpoints Tab
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eZV-440 Version 2.1 Application Guide
Document Edition 2.5
Name of field
Occupied Setpoint Offset Range: The offset range available at a LINKnet stat
interface or a hardwired setpoint adjustment input. The offset is added to
the Occupied Heating and Cooling setpoints to set the values of the Current
Heating and Cooling setpoints in occupied mode.
For example, when you enter a value of 2.0, the offset range is ±2.0 from the
heating setpoint and ±2.0 from the cooling setpoint.
When a zero value is entered in this field, there is no offset and you will not
be able to enter a setpoint offset on the LINKnet tab nor will a user will able
to adjust the setpoint at a stat interface.
Eco Mode Setback. The setback amount when the network sensor is in Eco
For example, when you enter a value of 1.0, the setback is -1.0 from the
heating setpoint and +1.0 from the cooling setpoint.
Standby Setback. The setback amount when the network sensor is in
Standby occupancy mode.
For example, when you enter a value of 1.0, the setback is -1.0 from the
heating setpoint and +1.0 from the cooling setpoint.
Discharge Air Temperature Limiting Setpoints
These setpoint fields are only enabled if you had configured a discharge air temperature sensor
on the Local Inputs tab.
Name of field
Discharge Air Temperature High Limit Setpoint: The maximum setpoint
value set for the discharge air temperature.
Discharge Air Temperature Low Limit Setpoint: The minimum setpoint value
set for the discharge air temperature. This field is not used for the VAV and
VVT systems.
Discharge Air Temperature High Limit Proportional Band: The size of the
proportional band around the high limit setpoint.
VAV / VVT Setpoints
If you selected VVT as your application type in Global Settings on the General tab, only the fields
in the last 5 rows of the table below are enabled.
Name of field
VAV Box Size: This is the size of the VAV box. The options include 4, 5, 6, 8,
10, 12, 14, 16, 24x16, 28x14, 32x16 inches.
Note: Changing the box size value will restore the system to its default
setpoints and erase any air balancing adjustments entered.
Flow Factor: This is the coefficient used to convert airflow pressure into
Airflow Failure Setpoint: The failure setpoint for airflow pressure.
The minimum cooling airflow setpoint.