Appendix A: Maps, Tips, and Commands
TMC 188/40 Motion Control Module
Delta Computer Systems, Inc. 360/254-8688
Alt C
Clear event(s) on module
Alt E
Set event(s) on module
Alt K
Kill events
Alt M
Update event(s) mask
register on module
Alt Q
Quit events
Ctrl S
Save events steps to disk
Spreadsheet Edit Keys
End, Home,
Move cursor
Highlight text
Ctrl C
Copy highlighted text
Ctrl X
Cut highlighted text
Ctrl V
Paste buffered text
Ctrl G
Move to next event step
Ctrl R
Read events steps from disk
Ctrl W
Set field width (TMC
VMemory editor)
Exit to main screen
Enter text to fill
highlighted cells
Special Functions
Ctrl P
Edit motion profiles (MMC)
Ctrl T
Toggle readback mode
Ctrl W
Edit V memory (TMC)
P0, P1
Scale, offset, direction,
extend, and retract
Alt F
Auto feedforward adjust
Using the Demo Features
Move using predetermined
Alt F1-F10
Move and generate a datalog
ZYCOM only)
Alt A
Toggle Auto move - when
on, DCSMON cycles
through Automove file
Ctrl A
Edit Automove file using
Table Editor
Ctrl F
Edit F1-F10 keys using
Table Editor
Ctrl F1-F10
Move using predetermined
positions and profiles
Viewing Configurations
Ctrl C
View system configuration
Ctrl E
Call editor to configure
DOS Command Line Options
Syntax: DCSMON [opt 1] [opt 2]...
... [opt n]<CR>
opt 1
Initialization file; the default is
DCSMON.INI. Do not enter the file
extension (.INI).
opt 2
Project filename specification; the
default is DCSMON.BD1. Enter only if
an initialization file has been entered
as opt 1, and do not enter the file
extension (.BD
If DCSMON is started with no options
specified, the default files are used.
Other options are:
Created a debug file (debug.txt)
with a history of all commands
executed from DCSMON
Forces initialization of the module
when DCSMON starts
Starts DCSMON in look-only mode
Starts DCSMON in read mode
Starts DCSMON in write mode
The „/‟ can also be a „-‟. These options can all
be specified in the .ini file, but when specified
on the command line they supersede the .ini