TMC 188/40 Motion Control Module
Appendix E: Sample Ladder Logic
Delta Computer Systems, Inc. 360/254-8688
│ For Model 525 and 535 controllers:
│ This rung writes the status register to coils. It copies
│ the 16-bit word at V405 (Axis 1 Status Bits) to coils C65
│ through C80. This lets you use the contacts to monitor the
│ axes' status without using the less-efficient bit picks. The
│ At Command Position bit (Status Bit 16) is written to C65, the
│ first coil.
│ For Model 545 and 555 controllers:
│ A bit pick routine will work as well.
│Always On MWIR──────────┐ Don't Care
│ │ │ Coil
│ │ Status Bits │
│ C1 │ │ C2
8 ├───┤ ├─────│ Axis 1 │───────────────────────────────( )
│ │ A:V405 │
│ │ At Command │
│ │ Position │
│ │ Axis 1 │
│ │IR:C65 │
│ │ N=16 │
│ └─────────────┘
│ This rung halts the axis when hydraulic or electric power is
│ turned off. It writes a 72 ('H' or 'HALT' command) to V456,
│ the Axis 1 command register. This prevents the integral
│ term from winding up.
│ Hyd & Elec LDC───────────┐ Don't Care
│ Power │ │ coil
│ │ Command │
│ X1 5 │ │ C4
14 ├────┤/├─────:O:───│ Axis 1 │────────────────────────( )
│ │ A:V456 │
│ │ │
│ │ N=72 │
│ │ │
│ │ │
│ │ │
│ └─────────────┘