Reformatting the Data Partition
In general, it is not necessary to reformat the data memory (partition)
on the device, however, under particular circumstances this partition
may become corrupt (for example if the device is disconnected while
a data file is being read), and reformatting will be necessary.
EMGworks offers an option to reformat the data partition, and it will
make a best effort to restore the files stored on the data partition to
the device after the reformat is completed. The PC hard drive is used
as a temporary storage for data files and protocols from the device
while the reformat is proceeding.
The reformat command can be accessed on the A/D settings tab of a
protocol opened in EMGworks. A confirmation window will appear
once the command is invoked.
Caution: Ensure the PC’s boot drive have sufficient free space for
temporary storage of the data files and protocols from the device.
Loss of data or irrecoverable damage to the data partition is likely if
the USB connection is lost while a reformat is in progress.
Figure 32:
Invoking the Reformat Data Partition
command in EMGworks.