Monitoring the protection of multiple machines
Managing snapshots and recovery points
Viewing a specific recovery point
Mounting a recovery point for a Windows machine
................................................................ 109
Dismounting select recovery points
Dismounting all recovery points
Mounting a recovery point volume on a Linux machine
Deleting an orphaned recovery point chain
............................................................................... 111
Pausing and resuming protection
.............................................................................................. 112
About exporting protected data from Windows machines to virtual machines
Exporting backup information from your Microsoft Windows machine to a virtual
Exporting Windows data using ESXi export
............................................................................... 116
Exporting Windows data using VMware workstation export
.................................................... 118
Exporting Windows data using Hyper-V export
....................................................................... 120
Exporting Microsoft Windows data using Oracle VirtualBox export
........................................ 123
Performing a rollback for a Linux machine by using the command line
About bare metal restore for Windows machines
.......................................................................... 131
Prerequisites for performing a bare metal restore for a Windows machine
Roadmap for performing a bare metal restore for a Windows machine
Creating a bootable CD ISO image
............................................................................................ 132
Launching a restore from the Core
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Starting the restored target server
Performing a bare metal restore for a Linux machine
Creating bootable partitions on a Linux machine
About server cluster protection