A Tour of Your Computer : Dell Inspiron 2500 Systems
The lights below the display indicate the following:
The light labeled
turns on when the computer is turned on and blinks when the computer
is in standby mode.
The light labeled
turns on steadily or blinks to indicate the battery charge status.
Indicator states include:
Off, which indicates that the computer is operating on battery power or that the
computer is turned off
Flashing green, which indicates that the battery is charging or that the battery power is
Solid green, which indicates that the battery is fully charged and that the computer is
operating on AC power
Flashing amber, which indicates that the battery power is critically low
The light labeled
turns on when the computer reads data from or writes data to any
file:///I|/SERVICE%20MANUALS/DELL%20MANUALS/LA..._checked%20ok/Inspiron/2500/2500%20SM/tour.htm (3 of 15)6/21/2004 12:45:24 AM