Dialog item
Channel description. Touch to call up the value editing dialog
Transmitter address on the bus
The set value for ALARM1 in the transmitter. The units of value are the same as
the units of the measured quantity.
The set value for ALARM2 in the transmitter. The units of value are the same as
the units of the measured quantity.
The set value for ALARM3 in the transmitter. The units of value are the same as
the units of the measured quantity.
The set value for ALARM4 in the transmitter. The units of value are the same as
the units of the measured quantity.
PEL time
PEL (permissible exposure limit) calculation time in minutes. Typically 480 minutes
PEL limit
PEL concentration limit for alarm announcement.
STEL time
STEL (short-term exposure limit) calculation time in minutes.
STEL limit
STEL concentration limit for alarm announcement.
Transmitter glow time. The time it takes for the transmitter to stabilize the
measured value after a power failure. No alarm will be triggered during glow.
The set value for alarm offset in the transmitter. Used for oxygen and PH probe.
The units of value are the same as the units of the measured quantity.
When using offset, the alarm is evaluated according to:
Abs (value - offset) > ALARMx
I.e. when using the offset parameter, an alarm will occur both if the value of the
measured quantity is too high and if it is too low -> the size of the difference
between the measured value and the entered offset is evaluated.
Dead zone
The set value for the transmitter dead band. Defines the value of the measured
quantity below which the zero value will be displayed. The units of value are the
same as the units of the measured quantity.
Zero calibration
Calibration gas concentration value for parameter 'zero'
Span calibration
Calibration gas concentration value for the 'span' parameter
Default button
Sets the default channel configuration values for the given transmitter type
Load button
Retrieves the configuration from the connected transmitter at the given address
Delete button
Deletes the configured channel
Outputs button
Opens the channel output matrix configuration dialog
Table 23 Transmitter channel settings dialog
List of status information:
Item name
The name of the interface to which the transmitter is connected
Serial number
Transmitter serial number
Gas type
Detection of detected gas (chemical symbol)
Units of quantity measured by the channel transmitter
Last calibration
Date of last transmitter calibration
The following calibration
Transmitter calibration validity date. When the calibration expires, a CAL alarm is
activated on the transmitter (calibration)
Table 24 Channel status information
Tip: Closing the dialog saves the configuration and uploads the new values to the connected transmitter.