Parameter Parameter
Used for outputs controlling acoustic signaling. In the event of an alarm, the output can
be deactivated using the Acknowledgment button. The output will remain deactivated
for the duration of the alarm. To reactivate the output, the alarm must end and the next
alarm will reactivate the output.
negated output
The function inverts the output logic at the GPIO level. At rest, the relay is closed and the
activated output means the relay is open.
In the activated state, the output is excited at the corresponding frequency in a 1:1
delayed start
The output will not be activated until the specified time interval, i.e. the alarm must last
at least the delay time to activate the output, the end of the alarm always resets the
delay timer.
After the alarm ends, the output remains activated for the specified time. The delayed
switch-off function is only listed after the delayed switch-on function.
The voting function evaluates the arithmetic sum of the requests to close the output from
all channels, and if the result is higher than the specified value, the output is activated,
i.e. the voting function can be used to set the activation of the output only after several
transmitters (channels) have detected an alarm. The default value is 1, each individual
channel causes the output to be activated. If the voting value is set to 2, at least two
channels must require the output to be activated in order for it to close.
Table 7 Output function
Service mode
The control panel service mode is used to block the output relays. It is used for the needs of service performed 'on the fly' when
manipulation with the transmitter and the like could lead to the shutdown of the monitored technology. The user selects the
outputs to be blocked in the service mode menu. Subsequently, the mode is indicated by the key icon in the status bar. In the
service mode, the control panel performs all evaluation and measurement, only the output is not activated by itself. The service
mode ends after all outputs are unlocked or automatically after a defined time has elapsed.
Transmitter blocking
In the event of a transmitter failure, the 'transmitter lock' function can be used to remove a channel from the list of active
channels. The control panel with a blocked transmitter does not communicate and deactivates all signals (ALARMS) of the
channel. The function is used to put into operation the technology that would otherwise be blocked by the control panel in the
event of a faulty transmitter. Blocking the transmitter does not change the configuration of the control panel, the function is
only temporary until the next reset of the control panel. Blocked channels are displayed in gray on the main screen.